Due to the warm humid days, it is hard to complete our chores to prepare Mistress for the next leg of our journey. We would like to be ready to leave around the first week of October. Hurricanes can still be a problem, so we will have to keep an eye on weather. Right now the winds have been very light, but they will increase to give us a comfortable ride.
We adopted 2 marina dogs, we called them, Itchy & Lady. We feed them leftovers, and have a bowl of water beside our dock light. Both dogs get along well with people and are a great security service . Lady is a spayed female, has some Doberman in her but is very docile. Itchy on the other hand is a Alpha male, who challenges every other male dog that comes into his territory. He is not neutered. About a week ago, a fight broke out with a cruisers dog. They owner a lady, tried to separate them and apparently got bit. By which dog, she doesn’t know.
Itchy was sitting by our boat when a guy came down the dock with a broomstick to punish him. “Is this your dog?” ….” No”,..But you are not going to hit him with that stick”…
They then caught Itchy, put him in a boat and took him to Isla Grande, two miles away. We feared that they had taken out and threw him in the water. We were reassured that, to save him from further abuse, it was better to let him live out his days with somebody who wanted him.
All the systems of the boat must be checked, to make sure we are ready. We have made new bags to stow things in the cockpit, made new covers for, and got our flags ready. Our engine has had the injectors cleaned and serviced, next week we have a Rigger coming to check the mast. We have been busy……
We had to rig up a thread holder, from a wooden spoon tied to the overhead handholds. The large industrial spools are economical but couldn’t fit on our machine. Everything must be sewed with good quality UV thread.
Since, we were doing all these repairs, it was a good idea to change the impellor which brings in cooling seawater. The one on the left is new, compared to the out of shape old one. Still had all it’s fins, which is good to see, otherwise we would have to search the hoses for stray pieces. We found an old broken piece from the previous replacement in the housing, that could have been a problem. Lucky!!!
New awning to keep us cool and dry.
We did a short video showcasing our marina, which has been our home.